Welcome to the Ballyhoo FC page! Want to play?
We're a recreation league of players that ... have seen many years.
In order to play in our league, you have to be at least 45 years old, pay your dues, and be a respectful person.
We play every Tuesday evening, year-round, at the Regional Athletic Complex in Lacey, WA, and we currently have five teams that take turns playing each other.
One significant rule change is that we don't allow slide-tackling, which better protects us from injury.
Each player needs a Washington State Adult Soccer Association (WSASA) membership card ($40/year for an "Unlimited Pass Player Registration", WSASA-link) and our dues are $64 per season (8 games).
If you'd like more information, or if you already know you'd like to play, please email us. We'll be glad to help you get on the pitch!
Email: ballyhoofc@gmail.com